Wednesday 2 March 2016

Interview #2

Gruuhh, rowwwrr hissssssss squeak squeak sniff sniff sniff. 

Pepper the Parrotlet: So, now that we've interviewed Bentley the cat, we are going to interview Sophie, his human.

Me: "So we're here with Sophie today, she is the human to Bentley, whom we talked to just a few hours ago." "Sophie, you read the interview, how did you feel about the points made?"

Sophie - "I felt that Bentley hit the nail right on the head. I feel the exactly same way about him."

Me: "That's wonderful." "If you could name the bond that you share, what would you call it?"

Sophie: "Mother and child relationship."

Me: "Interesting. Can you tell us why you would call it that."

Sophie "Well I think part of it is because I got Bentley, or he got me as you pets say, when he was very young. Since I was the one who always fed him, pet him, and was always available to him, he became very attached to me, and I to him."

Me - "Wow that sounds amazing!" " Now do you feel that you take care of Bentley, or does Bentley take care of you?"

Sophie - "Well, honestly I think we both equally take care of each other. We both emotionally support each other."

Me - "How do you feel owning Bentley effects your life?"

Sophie - "I have grown up with animals my whole life. I just wouldn't feel complete without a pet in my home. Just seeing Bentley makes me indescribably happy." 

Me - "Wow, that's amazing." "Do you think you are overall happier owning a pet than not?"

Sophie - "Yes, I cannot imagine my life without Bentley, he means so much to me. He's my rock."

Me - "Sounds like you have a pretty wonderful life."

Sophie "Yes, I believe I do."

Me - "Alright, thanks for coming to talk to us today Sophie."

Sophie - "You are very welcome."

Me - "Alright, that was Sophie, human to Bentley the cat."

The bond between a pet and their person is priceless...

Pepper the Parrotlet: Our lovely translator.

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