Wednesday 2 March 2016

Interview #2

Gruuhh, rowwwrr hissssssss squeak squeak sniff sniff sniff. 

Pepper the Parrotlet: So, now that we've interviewed Bentley the cat, we are going to interview Sophie, his human.

Me: "So we're here with Sophie today, she is the human to Bentley, whom we talked to just a few hours ago." "Sophie, you read the interview, how did you feel about the points made?"

Sophie - "I felt that Bentley hit the nail right on the head. I feel the exactly same way about him."

Me: "That's wonderful." "If you could name the bond that you share, what would you call it?"

Sophie: "Mother and child relationship."

Me: "Interesting. Can you tell us why you would call it that."

Sophie "Well I think part of it is because I got Bentley, or he got me as you pets say, when he was very young. Since I was the one who always fed him, pet him, and was always available to him, he became very attached to me, and I to him."

Me - "Wow that sounds amazing!" " Now do you feel that you take care of Bentley, or does Bentley take care of you?"

Sophie - "Well, honestly I think we both equally take care of each other. We both emotionally support each other."

Me - "How do you feel owning Bentley effects your life?"

Sophie - "I have grown up with animals my whole life. I just wouldn't feel complete without a pet in my home. Just seeing Bentley makes me indescribably happy." 

Me - "Wow, that's amazing." "Do you think you are overall happier owning a pet than not?"

Sophie - "Yes, I cannot imagine my life without Bentley, he means so much to me. He's my rock."

Me - "Sounds like you have a pretty wonderful life."

Sophie "Yes, I believe I do."

Me - "Alright, thanks for coming to talk to us today Sophie."

Sophie - "You are very welcome."

Me - "Alright, that was Sophie, human to Bentley the cat."

The bond between a pet and their person is priceless...

Pepper the Parrotlet: Our lovely translator.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Interview #1

     Sqeak bow wow reeeeeeeeet squawk meow yow blurrrble prrrrrrr blubbb.

Pepper the Parrotlet: We are here with Bentley the cat today to discuss his experiences with keeping his human.

Me - "Hello Bentley, thank you so much for coming in today. We've really been looking forward to talking to you about your experiences with keeping your human. Her name is Sophie, right?

Bentley - "Yes that's right. I've really been looking forward to coming in to talk with you as well."

Me - "Glad to here it! Lets begin with our first question, shall we?" "Do you think that owning a human is mentally and emotionally beneficial?"

Bentley - "Yes, absolutely."

Me - "Could you tell us why you think that?"

Bentley - "To start with, the bond between me and my human, Sophie, is unconditional love. No matter how we look, or if one of us is feeling sick, or anything else about us that other people might judge us for, doesn't matter."

Me - "Wow, that sounds so sweet." "Second question: When do you feel most attached to your human?"

Bentley - "I feel most attached to my human when I sleep on her stomach and she pets me after I can tell she'd had a bad day at school."

Me - "That's too cute. Can you give us another example of when you and Sophie are very attached."

Bentley - "Another example would have to be when Sophie comes home after a vacation. I mean, I couldn't find her for days! When she comes back I don't let her out of my sight for a long time."

Me - "Haha. I think a lot of  us pets would agree with you there."

Bentley - "Haha. You're probably right!"

Me - "Alright, I think its time for the next question." "Do you think that taking care of your human (buying food, buying toys, cleaning up after them, etc.) is worth the mental and emotional strength that you obtain in return?"

Bentley - "Definitely, without a doubt. If I only made a dollar a day, and I had to spend it on taking care of Sophie, I would, without a second thought."

Me - "Wow that's very touching Bentley. Hopefully those words will encourage others to adopt a human of their own."

Bentley - "Hopefully, because there are so many unhappy humans out there in the world. I believe that if they had a cat, a dog, a bird, or even a happy little fish, it could brighten up their world immensely."

Me - "Wow, that is very inspiring Bentley, thank you. I also want to thank you for coming in to talk to us today about your experiences with keeping a human."

Bentley - "It was truly my pleasure."

Me - "Alright folks, once again that was Bentley the cat talking about the benefits of owning a human."


Pepper the Parrotlet: Our lovely translator


     Woof woof squawk meow yow prrrrrrr blubbb blurrrble mewmew. Gruuhh, rowwwrr hissssssss squeak squeak sniff sniff sniff. Reeeeeeeeeet roufow blubbb blurrrble mewmew  gruuhh hissssssss reeeeeeeeet. Squeak squeak sniff sniff sniff  rouf rowf bow. Rowf bow wow tweet chirp cheep mmmmmmaaaammmmmm meep meep cluck cluck quack.  Moo woof woof quack moo oink squawk. Meow bow wow tweet chirp cheep mam meep meep cluck cluck prrrrrrr. 

Pepper the Parrotlet:
       So, we all know how difficult humans can be when we don't know how to handle their behavior. This is the first post to a blog about how to keep humans successfully. You will learn about humans habits, good and bad. Proper diets for them, how to keep them happy, and much more.

    Pepper the Parrotlet: Our lovely translator